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I love this game. I'm bringing it to an indie RPG night at my local game store and I'm going to get everybody to fill out one, so by the end of the night we have a full museum! This is a wonderful and special game. This could be the centerpiece of a gathering!


Thanks Will! I'm honoured that you're taking it to your RPG night, I hope everyone enjoys it!

(1 edit) (+2)

This is so interesting, everything about it (the colours, the text, the writing) evokes such a sense of deep melancholy in me.

Here's mine:


Date: 24.09.2023

Exhibit No.: 001 

Exhibit Location: Gallery of Faces

Catalogued by: The Blue Curator


The face of one of my friends from primary school seems faded now, The only discernible feature is their smile, wide and crooked. Their eyes are blurs, their glasses - did they even have glasses? - are constantly changing shape and colour, round one second, and rectangular the next. Their voice is ephemeral and transient. I remember that they liked throwing Sycamore seeds into the air and watching them twirl down. I remember their laugh.

But their face is lost to me now.   

How was the artefact lost?: Temporal Degradation

Additional information:

This face was last at full strength some twelve years ago, on the last day of primary school, and has degraded in the usual, linear fashion.